Maribor 2013

A time to make friends - International Kneipp-Action-Days from 09. - 11. May 2013

After the International Kneipp-Action-Days (Internationale Kneipp Aktionstage / I.K.A.T.) in Maribor the association Kneipp WORLDWIDE drew a completely positive balance. For three days, the second largest city in Slovenia was the home of the Kneipp Movement. Besides informative health lectures and the opening of the international Kneippian Bazar the Introductory Evening was the highlight of the first day. The next day, the Maribor City Park appeared as a Kneippian Health Park - with a medically supervised walking test, water treatments, yoga, a creative workshop and much more. At the end of the International Kneipp Games the participants went hiking in the nearby Pohorje Mountains. After that, they could chose between several entertainment packages and individually do something for their own health.



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    Adolf-Scholz-Allee 6-8
    86825 Bad Wörishofen

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    Phone: +49 8247 / 3002 - 102
    Fax: +49 8247 / 3002 - 199

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